Expert Online Non-technical Training for the Diagnostic Laboratory

Full-Level Courses


What Every Phlebotomist Should Know: Uncovering Errors from Laboratory Test Order to Report

6.0 Contact Hours ($59.99): To understand how diagnostic testing errors occur, we review the path of a laboratory order from physician to report. We will learn the process steps and activities within each phase of the preanalytic, analytic and post analytical phases along the path of an analytic test order. We discuss each phase and highlight the incidence of diagnostic errors occurring within each area of testing.


The Role of a Phlebotomist: Understanding Quality and Patient Safety

6.0 Contact Hours ($59.99): In this course, you will learn the importance of patient safety in healthcare as it relates to the role of the phlebotomist. You will understand your role associated with avoiding errors and risks factors in your daily work. We will learn the history of regulatory oversight and the agency’s role to protect patient outcomes. We discuss the difference between quality assurance, quality control and the importance of a quality structure to ensure patient safety.  


CAPA-Laboratory Non-Conformance

6.0 Contact Hours ($59.99): We will review how errors happen in the laboratory and learn how to identify and document a non-conformance. We will use Lean tools to problem solve, brainstorm the root cause, apply a corrective action and eliminate the occurrence by implementing a preventive action.

Lean culture 101

Lean Culture 101: Laying the Foundation for a Lean Transformation

6.0 Contact hours ($59.99): This is a course about creating the foundation for an enterprise-wide Lean transformation  Lean is a way of thinking and that way of thinking must be broadly aligned across the entire organization.  Thus, starting your Lean transformation without considering your own corporate culture is the best way to ensure that any successes are eventually lost.

Fast Track Value Stream Map

Value Stream Mapping: Healthcare Process Redesign (Fast Track)

1.0 Contact hour ($9.99): In this course you will learn how to create a current state value stream map. This map will allow you to identify bottlenecks and barriers to workflow. By the use of meaningful metrics, we brainstorm opportunities for an improved, efficient future state.

Free Course Variation


Free Course: In this brief lesson you will learn about the causes in process variation in healthcare and why understanding variation is important.

Free Tool Run Chart

Run Chart

Free Course: The run chart is a useful tool for determining the type of variation your process exhibits. This short lesson covers how to create and interpret a run chart.

Control Chart Free Lesson

Control Chart

Free Course: The control chart is an essential tool for determining whether or not a process change improved performance. This lesson on control charts will teach you how to create and interpret this important statistical process control tool.

Causal Tree

Causal Tree

Free Course: The causal tree is a tool for investigating all of the factors and conditions that allowed a cascade of actions to cause error. In this lesson you will learn how to create a causal tree.

Free Tool Fishbone

Fishbone Diagram

Free Course: This short lesson covers one of the 7 essential quality tools–The Fishbone. The Fishbone is a proven tool for finding the causes of error.


Lean Practitioner for Healthcare

37 Contact Hours: ($1,295.00)/At your own pace: A Lean Practitioner is an essential resource that assist Lean leader’s anchor the organizational Lean journey. This certification course will provide you with the skills to develop, train, support, mentor, and encourage teams of front line workers. You will assist the organization by leading the teams to participate in process waste elimination.


Full-Level: Developing a Quality Management System

6.0 Contact hours ($59.99): In this course, you will learn a 7 step proactive approach to develop a robust quality management system that will adhere to regulatory requirements for the development of laboratory developed tests.


A3: Problem Solving in Healthcare (Fast Track)

2.0 Contact hours ($19.99): In this course, you will learn a structured method of problem solving based on data to find root causes, brainstorm solutions and implement workable solutions.


A3 101: Problem Solving in Healthcare

6.0 Contact hours ($59.99): In this course, you will learn a structured method of problem solving based on data to find root causes, brainstorm solutions and implement workable solutions.


Fast Track: Lean Management: Creating a Lean Structure in the Laboratory

3.0 Contact hours ($29.99): In this course, you will learn development of leadership, operational structures, processes, people and synergistic activities that align the entire organization towards continual improvement. You will learn the methods, tools, principles of Lean and understand how to adopt these techniques to our specific laboratory environment.


Full-Level: Lean Management: Creating a Lean Structure in the Laboratory

6.0 Contact hours ($59.99): In this course, you will learn development of leadership, operational structures, processes, people and synergistic activities that align the entire organization towards continual improvement. You will learn the methods, tools, principles of Lean and understand how to adopt these techniques to our specific laboratory environment.


Fast Track: Introduction to Lean: Tools and Concepts Specific to Laboratories

3.0 Contact hours ($29.99): In this course, we will define the principles, methodology and tools of LEAN adaptable to specific laboratory work processes. We will understand how to identify and eliminate the 8 deadly wastes referred to as non-value add activities and apply the principles and concepts of LEAN to redesign the process or eliminate the problem from occurring.


Full-Level: Introduction to Lean: Tools and Concepts Specific to Laboratories

6.0 Contact hours ($59.99): In this this course, we will define the principles, methodology and tools of LEAN adaptable to specific laboratory work processes. We will understand how to identify and eliminate the 8 deadly wastes referred to as non-value add activities and apply the principles and concepts of LEAN to redesign the process or eliminate defects from occurring.


Fast Track: Adapting Toyota Principles to Laboratory Workflow

3.0 Contact hours. ($29.99): In this course, you will learn the Lean tools, fundamentals of work rules and understand how to apply the continuous improvement methodology of the Toyota Production System principles adaptable and specific to laboratory work flow.


Full-Level: Adapting Toyota Principles to Laboratory Workflow

6.0 Contact hours. ($59.99): In this course, you will learn the Lean tools, fundamentals of work rules and understand how to apply the continuous improvement methodology of the Toyota Production System principles adaptable and specific to laboratory work flow.

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Full-Level Courses (6 or more contact hours or more)