Fast Track Course: Executing a Rapid Kaizen Event

Price: 29.99
3.0 Contact hours ($29.99)
Welcome to Executing a Rapid Kaizen Event!
“Kaizen” is derived from the Japanese words “Kai” (change) and “Zen” (for the better), referring to the practice of making continuous, small improvements. A Kaizen Event is a focused, rapid improvement methodology aimed at driving productive change by enhancing a process or group of processes using Lean tools. These events are planned and executed in alignment with the organization’s strategy, goals, and objectives. The activities involved in a Kaizen Event are detailed in a project charter, which serves as a contract to guide the team’s actions and approach to change. Kaizen Events take place within a defined timeframe and involve knowledgeable, trained individuals working in an environment that encourages innovation and creativity. In this course, we will explore the steps required to create a productive continuous improvement environment using a structured Kaizen approach.

This Course Includes:
- Several short instructional video presentations
- Quiz-10 questions
- Reflection questions- deeper thought into the material
- An assignment is not required
Who Should Take This Course?
This course is designed to provide laboratory managers, administrators, technicians, and all employees involved in a Lean initiative with the necessary skills to conduct a Gemba event.
Learning Objectives
At the End of This Course, the Learner will be able to:
- Define the meaning, process, and application of a Kaizen event
- Explain the Lean tools utilized in a Kaizen event
- Demonstrate the step-by-step process of conducting a Kaizen event
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